The Children's Trust is the UK's leading charity for children with brain injury. We deliver rehabilitation, education and community services through skilled teams who work with children and young people, and their families
Every year over 40,000 children in the UK are left with a brain injury as a result of an accident or illness (figure drawn from NHS England). This is known as acquired brain injury.
Many children make a good recovery, but thousands have to live with ongoing, long-term difficulties. Some children are left with severe physical difficulties or learning difficulties. Some children experience more subtle, 'hidden' difficulties which nevertheless have a big impact on their lives. Our rehabilitation, community and online services are there to support all children with acquired brain injury and their families.
Thousands more children are born with brain injuries or develop severe disabilities as a result of a degenerative condition. Our medical services and special school give children with the most complex disabilities and health needs the chance to live their lives to the full.
Alongside our extensive therapy offering, we also have a dedicated onsite school. The School is located at The Children's Trust's national specialist centre in Tadworth, Surrey and is one of the only special schools in the UK that provides education, therapy and care exclusively for children and young people with profound and multiple learning difficulties and complex health needs.