Time to Change is a project (run by Voluntary Support North Surrey on behalf of all the volunteer centres Surrey wide). The project supports charities & voluntary organisations by encouraging them to utilise young volunteers and their skills. We support these organisations to recruit and manage young volunteers aged 19-25 by providing them with training to create, develop and promote attractive roles. Central to the direction of the project will be a Time to Change focus group capturing insight directly from young people.
Young adults already add tremendous benefits to some voluntary organisations, but many organisations do not articulate
and deliver an attractive offer. Young people have an abundance of energy and varied skills to bring to voluntary
organisations. During the pandemic more than half of the fall in the number of people in employment has been among
the under-25s, therefore, there is a wealth of highly skilled, enthusiastic young people looking for volunteering
opportunities to gain experience and strengthen their CV. This project helps to enable more young adults to volunteer.
Make a difference to multiple charities and voluntary organisations within one volunteering role
Advise charities and voluntary organisations on all things young people and volunteering
Improve the volunteering experience of thousands of young volunteers across Surrey