Oakleaf Enterprise
We work to foster confidence and reduce social isolation by actively training, engaging and supporting individuals with mental ill-health to empower them to participate as active members of society.

Oakleaf Enterprise has provided vocational training for people with mental health needs since 1995. In that year and following the Care in the Community Act 1990, an occupational therapy unit at the old local Victorian asylum, Brookwood Hospital, closed and relocated to Guildford. The charity was registered in 1997 and has been led by the same Chief Executive for the last 20 years.

Since then we have worked hard to benefit people in south west Surrey suffering mental ill-health. Our main focus is vocational training – we deliver training and work experience in upholstery, horticulture and IT, enabling clients to gain new skills, as a first step on their return to the workplace. Over the last three years, in response to client feedback, we have also delivered a programme of social inclusion activities (ranging from literacy and numeracy sessions, to guitar lessons, meal nights and fitness classes). Alongside our counselling services and job seeking support, these activities have all benefited hundreds of local people.


Nationally, people with mental health needs have the lowest employment rate of any disabled group, with only 24% securing long-term work. Fewer than four in ten employers will consider recruiting someone with a history of mental health problems. Whilst people suffering mental illness have the lowest employment rates of any group of disabled people, they are more vulnerable to the negative effects of unemployment.

One in four people in Surrey suffers a psychiatric disorder at some point in their lives. Surrey is perceived as an affluent area, and yet, there are hidden pockets of deprivation where there are high levels of child poverty, low income and poor mental health. Surrey residents undoubtedly face significant challenges to their mental well-being; the county has the highest average house price in any UK county, high levels of debt and people living in Surrey work many hours longer than average.

To improve the lives of people managing mental ill-health in Surrey. Promote awareness and reduce stigma.
Queens Award for Volunteering 2017

Oakleaf is the only charity offering a comprehensive vocational training and support service for mentally ill people in south west Surrey. We currently support approximately 4 people in both social inclusion activities and the following vocational training.

Upholstery: A very therapeutic practice involving restoring modern and traditional furniture and re-covering furniture pieces such as sofas, armchairs and dining chairs in new fabric.

Horticulture: The therapeutic nature of gardening, and scope for self-employment, is particularly suited to many clients. Working in a team encourages punctuality, commitment and motivation and promotes social cohesion.

IT: Providing clients with computer-training in the most commonly used Microsoft Office packages, making re-entry into the workplace closer and easier.


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