Oxfam Guildford
We won't live with poverty Oxfam is a global movement of millions of people who share the belief that, in a world rich in resources, poverty isn't inevitable. This is just some of what we do. We need more volunteers to help us in our three Beautiful Guildford Oxfam Shops. WHY VOLUNTEER WITH OXFAM? Become an Oxfam Shop volunteer and - as well as fighting poverty - you'll learn new skills, build your CV, and join a friendly team of people at the heart of your community. FAQS: WHAT DOES AN OXFAM CHARITY SHOP VOLUNTEER DO? There are all sorts of things you could get involved with in our shops. From, window dressing, working behind the till, sorting donations, organising pop up shop events to managing our social media - there are so many options. WHAT EXPERIENCE DO I NEED? No experience needed. When you apply the manager will ask you to come in for an initial chat, this is not an interview, just a chance to get an idea of what you'd like to do in the shop. From there you can meet the rest of the volunteer team and get involved with whatever area of the shop takes your interest. Volunteering at Oxfam is the perfect way to gain new skills, whether you're looking to improve your CV, take on a new challenge or just have fun! CAN I VOLUNTEER WITH A FRIEND? Of course! Just let the manager know when you sign up that you and your friend want to volunteer together and they can make sure you get to work together. However, if you don't have anyone to bring with you, with our diverse and friendly shop teams you're bound to find someone like-minded and find new friends instore. WHAT AGE DO I HAVE TO BE TO VOLUNTEER? We accept volunteers from the age of 14 but all under 18 year olds must have the consent of a parent or guardian. For more information check with your local shop manager.

We won't live with poverty
Oxfam is a global movement of millions of people who share the belief that, in a world rich in resources, poverty isn't inevitable. This is just some of what we do.

When disaster strikes Oxfam's priority is to start saving lives, then to help people come back stronger.

We make sure people can get clean water to drink and decent sanitation. We provide help for people to get food and the essentials they need to survive and ensure the most vulnerable are kept safe from harm.

We support them in being better prepared to cope with shocks and uncertainties and we help rebuild communities to come back stronger from disaster and to face the future on their own terms.

We work at grassroots level, promoting development, helping people to help themselves out of poverty - supporting their right to work and provide for their loved ones.

Advancing women's rights and building fair livelihoods - these are the most effective ways to end poverty.

Because when there's clean running water. When communities rebuild stronger after a crisis. When people can provide for their families. When women have a chance to live free from discrimination. When girls have the chance to gain an education. When we challenge the systems that keep people poor. When we work for a more equal and sustainable world. That's when we will end the injustice of poverty for everyone.

From Downing Street to the World Bank, we make sure the voices of the world's poorest people are heard loud and clear. We bring our passionate supporters together to take action on big issues that keep people poor, like inequality, climate change and hunger.

We challenge the systems and institutions that are the cause of the injustice of poverty, to ensure lasting change.

Every action is powerful - signing a petition, pressuring big business, marching on Westminster. When we speak as one, world leaders listen.


Our Charity Shops are community based, they are run by shop managers and volunteers who are working hard to raise funds to fight poverty both in the UK and around the world.

To fight poverty we recycle, reuse and sell on secondhand products donated to us by donors, our volunteers sort, price the donated goods and sell them in the shops. We hold in store and community events to raise funds and talk about the work that Oxfam does. We also work with people in the community so that they can learn new skills, develop confidence and meet new people.

EMPOWERMENT: Our approach means that everyone involved with Oxfam, from our staff and supporters to people living in poverty, should feel they can make change happen.§INCLUSIVENESS: We are open to everyone and embrace diversity. We believe everyone has a contribution to make, regardless of visible and invisible differences§ACCOUNTABILITY: Our purpose-driven, results-focused approach means we take responsibility for our actions and hold ourselves accountable. We believe that others should also be held accountable for their actions.
we can offer retail/administration/finances experience, NVQ's, and solid references.
we are proud of how our Oxfam shops are inclusive

Enthusiastic, keen to learn new things and meet new people


Whether we are running life-saving emergency responses, life-changing development projects or campaigning at the grassroots to tackle poverty, Oxfam's work is always rooted in a vision of a world where women and men are valued and treated equally, able to influence the decisions that affect their lives and meet their responsibilities as full citizens. Oxfam's 6 goals put local communities and the voices of poor people at the centre of change - our best hope for ending the injustice of poverty.

1. Help people claim their right to a better life
More women, young people and other poor and marginalised people will be able to exercise their civil and political rights, influence the decisions of people in power and hold them accountable for their actions.

2. Champion equal rights for women
Women are still massively under-represented and often oppressed. We will help more poor and marginalised women claim their rights, and work to significantly reduce the prevalence of violence against women.

3. Save lives, now and in the future
When natural disasters strike - or in times of war - we'll be there to save lives, providing clean water, food, sanitation and other fundamental needs. Fewer men, women and children will die or suffer illness, insecurity and deprivation.

4. Safeguard global food supplies
We're working to protect food supplies so that people always have enough to eat. More people who live in rural poverty will enjoy greater food security, income, prosperity and resilience through fairer global food systems.

5. Help people claim a fairer share of natural resources
Natural resources are vital for prosperity. We will work to help the world's most marginalised people become significantly more prosperous and resilient, despite increasing competition for land, water, food and energy sources, and stresses caused by a changing climate.

6. Increase money for basic services
And we're pushing for more and better-targeted money to go to basic development such as health and education, so that more women, men, girls and boys can participate fully in the economic, social and democratic life of their societies.

This plan sets an ambitious agenda. Achieving a just world without poverty won't be easy. But together, it is possible.


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