Guildford Leos
Where there’s a Need, there’s a Leo.

Leos serve. It’s what they’ve done since 1957 when the first Leos club was formed in Pennsylvania, USA. Now, over 50 years from their beginning, Leos have grown into a dynamic force for good, actively providing their communities and the world with kindness and service. And this is just the start. The good Leos can offer is endless. The success of Leo clubs is a crucial part of the success of Lions Clubs International. Leos are the ones who will carry our great story into the future and improve upon it.


Objectives: in association with Lions International and Guildford Lions Club, help the local community socially and environmentally; focus on the development of soft skills of the members through the ability to take up responsibility positions, to be a part of different sub-committees (i.e. marketing, events, finance, PR) and work on projects (i.e. fundraising events, voluntary activities); be a contact point where volunteers may be needed in the community; build a bridge between different generations and create a partnership (Leo - Lions) to share knowledge and experience; involve young people from the local community and improve the community – students relationship.


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