Healthwatch Surrey
Healthwatch Surrey is an independent champion that gives the people of Surrey a voice to improve, shape and get the best from health and social care services by empowering local people and communities.

We’re an independent statutory organisation that ensures Surrey residents have a say in how the health and social care services they use are run.

We visit hospitals, doctors surgeries and a variety of community venues to listen to the experiences of Surrey residents and collect their feedback. We listen to what local people have to say about the health and social care services they use and take their views and concerns to decision makers to influence and improve how local services are run.

We keep an eye on changes to services and make sure that local people are consulted in decision making and in the design of local health and social care services. We also provide an information and advice line and an independent NHS complaints advocacy service.


Are you passionate about people’s rights, health and wellbeing?

Do you want local people to have a say in how the NHS and social care services they use are run, and make sure their views are heard and considered by decision makers?

Improving Sexual Health Services – Liz’s Story:

In March 2017 a local newspaper ran an article about sexual health services. Clinics in Surrey were about to close, professionals had raised concerns about patient care and patients were alarmed by the news. Liz was looking for opportunities to volunteer in the health and social care sector. She wanted to make a real difference to her local community, so she joined our team of volunteers.

Liz reached out to vulnerable patients with HIV and other sexual health conditions to listen to their concerns. Patients told her that they were concerned about services being closed and relocated, as this was having an impact on access to their appointments and access to their treatment. She helped us to produce a report based on what she'd heard, which was shared with the Sexual Health service provider for Surrey (Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust), commissioners, NHS England, Public Health, Surrey County Council and the Council’s Scrutiny Committee. The report was also made publicly available on our website.

Following on from this report, Liz was invited to represent Healthwatch Surrey at contract review meetings with the provider, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL). At these meetings, she spoke up on behalf of vulnerable patients and raised their concerns. Liz’s tenacity in speaking up on behalf of local people, amplifying their concerns and pushing for change has led to improvements to the service, including:

• The recruitment and training of appropriately skilled staff
• The introduction of a booked appointments system
• Appointments available for booking online
• The monitoring of call costs for phone lines to clinics

These changes will have a significant effect on the lives of people with HIV and other sexual health conditions in Surrey.

We recently received a national award from Healthwatch England for improving access to sexual health services for HIV patients in Surrey.
We empower local people!

We are looking for volunteers who care about the rights and views of local people, especially those who face barriers to their views being heard. If you enjoy talking to people and working as part of a team and would like to build your confidence and boost your CV, we'd like to hear from you!


We're a statutory organisation, with legal powers to ensure that the views and concerns of local people are listened to by decision makers. We have the power to make recommendations and call for change where we feel it is needed. Volunteering with us for the opportunity to make a real difference in your community!


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