Hospices of Hope
Our vision is for all patients suffering from terminal, rare or life-limiting illness to receive specialist hospice care so that they can live and die with dignity and without pain.

Hospices of Hope is a UK registered charity which helps provide hospice and palliative care for vulnerable people in Romania, Moldova, Serbia, and Albania. We believe that everyone facing terminal illness or living with a serious life- limiting condition should receive the best possible care available. Adults and children suffering in this way should have access to free care to help them manage their illness, pain and symptoms and to live out their lives with dignity.

Sadly, this level of care is not readily available in the countries in which we work. In Romania, Serbia, Moldova, and Albania, many are simply left to suffer without receiving any suitable medical or social care.

So we are dedicated to making a difference to these people. In 1992 we set up Hospice Casa Sperantei in Romania. That organisation now has two purpose built in-patient hospices, two training centres and two clinics based in very poor areas of Romania. We also work with BELhospice in Serbia which has a home care service in Belgrade, with small hospice organisations in Moldova, and in Albania we support the organisation Ryder Albania. To date we have treated over 40,000 patients.

To ensure that hospice care reaches as many people as possible we have always placed major emphasis on educating and training medical professionals. Trained professionals – doctors, nurses, psychologists etc- return to their practices and introduce the new techniques learnt. We have trained over 20,000 professionals from more than 20 countries.

We empower our country partners so that ultimately, they become self-sufficient. Hospice Casa Sperantei now generates the majority of its day to day running expenses.


In the countries where we work the vast majority of people with terminal or life-limiting illness do not receive proper care at the end of their lives. They are left to die without their pain and symptoms being treated and without any emotional or spiritual support.

Since we first started our work, access to free hospice care in South East Europe has significantly improved and we have helped more than 40,000 patients and their families.

But there is still a long way to go and access to hospice care is still extremely limited.

We are a Christian-based organisation and care for people of all faiths, or none, encouraged by God’s love for us and motivated by Christ's words "I was sick and you visited me".