Kids for Kids
KIDS FOR KIDS transforms the lives of the forgotten children of Darfur, Sudan, living lives of inexcusable and unimaginable hardship in one of the most impoverished regions of the world.

Kids for Kids is the only organisation created to help the forgotten children of Darfur, living lives of inexcusable and unimaginable hardship. For the past 22 years we have been transforming long term the lives of children and their families living in remote villages out of sight of the world and to date we have adopted 110 villages in Darfur and helped over 550,000 people. Our aim is to improve the lives of children and help lift families out of abject poverty through a unique package of sustainable projects identified and run by the communities themselves. Despite the recent fear of war and famine, people from our villages do not become refugees. We have shown that if a young man has the means to support himself and a family he will stay. Many are active in our village committees such as the Forest Committee and Water Committee.


Kids for Kids aims to benefit children and their families in the remote villages of Darfur, Sudan who lack access to basic human rights such as water, food, adequate healthcare, education and the ability to earn an income. Through our work to benefit these families, we also benefit the surrounding environment as we plant trees to reforest the desert and combat climate change. Our fundraising and awareness raising in the UK has the added benefit of teaching children in this country about the difficult lives that are faced by many children their same age.

We don't believe in Charity. We believe in helping people to help themselves.§Together, we adopt whole communities – 11 villages so far – and listen to what the Villagers say will help them the most.§We believe in transparency and ensure your generous donations reach those that need them the most.
OBE for Patricia Parker, CEO of Kids for Kids in 2022§Paul Harris Fellow Rotary Award 2020§International Woman of the Year 2016§The Charity Awards Highly Commended 2007
We have adopted 11 villages in the remote region of Darfur, Sudan, and have transformed the lives of over 55, people.§We change lives one Goat at a time with our Goat loans for the poorest families. 5 Nanny Goats are given to a family to provide protein-rich milk for their starving children. After 2 years, as the flock grows, 5 Nanny goats are passed on to another family to benefit.§We provide donkeys to carry heavy loads and chickens to provide eggs for the elderly.§We install handpumps to provide clean water in our villages.§Trees and sustainable forests slow the spread of the desert, turning the land green again.§Our paravets, midwives and first aid workers save many lives a year.§Children attend our kindergartens, gaining an education and the possibility of a future out of poverty.§We give farm tools, mosquito nets, blankets, jerry cans, kitchen utensils, seeds and much more.§But most importantly, we train the villagers how to manage the projects themselves so they are sustainable.

If you are passionate about helping those less fortunate, are enthusiastic and like to have fun then do come and volunteer for Kids for Kids - we would love to have you on the team!


We are a small, very friendly charity and welcome volunteers from all over the World to help us change the lives of the forgotten children of Darfur.
Our wonderful patrons include Dame Joanna Lumley DBE FRGS, Miriam Margolyes OBE, Timothy West CBE and many others whom we are delighted to welcome them to many of our events - where you too could volunteer!
We occasionally have paid roles available which allow you to work from home on a flexible basis - do keep an eye on our website for more details!
We look forward to welcoming you to the Kids for Kids' Team!


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