Community Connector

A Community Connector helps Carers UK connect with carers and promote awareness of caring by distributing publicity material – such as leaflets and posters – within local communities.

What You'll Do: 
  • You’ll make contact with community hubs and arrange to put up posters or leave information leaflets.
  • Your local supermarket, library, GP surgery, faith group or gym would be a great starting point! We’ll give you more tips on how to get started in your Volunteering Pack.
  • You’ll identify smaller local charities that support people with long term conditions and supply them with Carers UK publicity materials.
  • We also require you to keep us informed about what you’ve been up to, feed your achievements back to us and let us know where you’ve been distributing materials.
Why You'll Love It: 

It’s a great opportunity to meet new people, spread the word and have the satisfaction of making a real difference to carers’ lives in the area where you live. You’ll also be part of Carers UK’s flagship volunteering programme and we’ll be supporting you all the way.

What You'll Learn: 

about support available for unpaid carers

What We're Looking For: 

a friendly personality

great communication skills

the ability to get on well with new people of all ages and backgrounds

a passion for improving support for carers

good organisational skills and access to a computer

the confidence to use your initiative

United Kingdom
0 Weeks Minimum
0 Hours / Week
Skills you will develop: 
Active listening
Interpersonal / Confidence
Skills you should possess: 
These documents must be completed: 

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